Tuesday, January 1, 2008

Mwuahahaha. First Blog. :D

So, pretty much, I'm only posting this so that I can say that I beat Miri to it. I'm nice like that.
Anyways. I'm Maximus, or Max, and I've really no idea what to post here. Should I rant about superamazingawesomecool stuff, like this boy I know, or the fact that none of my clothes fit any more? Should I tell you all about my day at work? Y'know, all the people who seem to believe that it's my fault that Microsoft didn't send Australia enough 360s are so much fun.

Blah. Maybe I'll just hit you with an introduction. I'm a girl, although people get confused about my gender all the time. Apparently, my short hair negates the fact that I have breasts and a menstrual cycle. I've just finished high school. I got fantastic marks, which was the result of not having a life outside of a Physics textbook or essay drafts, but I'm really not sure what I'm going to do next. At the moment I'm working.
And yeah, that's pretty much it. I don't have a social life outside of the store I work in. I wish I did. I love the guys at work, really I do. But there's only so long each day that you can put up with being treated like everyone's goofy younger sister. Being one of the few girls in an EB Games store is a lot of fun. People bring you snacks.

Out of a thoroughly miserable week, my day was actually quite good. It was a public holiday, so I got paid a heap. And we ordered pizza. And I only tripped over twice. I did fall in a bin though, which isn't actually something that one would assume happens a lot in EB. Then again, I'm sure that not many other people manage to drop empty Wii boxes on their heads, or give themselves papercuts on an XBox 360. I'm special like that.

Anywaaaaaaaays. Seeing as I've no idea what I'm doing here, I'm out. I'm off to be awesome and level up some Pokemon.


Anonymous said...

Ahahaha, Max xD
I was gonna post but then I remembered that the first post on my blogs are always stamped with "FAIL!", so I thought I'd wait for someone else to do it ;].
So thank you for your non-failing first post :P.

---- said...

LMAO. Awwwww, thanks Miri. ^_^

Tine said...

