Wednesday, January 2, 2008

"We're so sorry we've been gone,"

Well, you damn well should be, Panic! At the Disco.
No, there's no video.
But there is a rough version of a new song which they posted on MySpace (click here to hear it!).
I actually kind of like it.
I first heard it and was like "FAIL.", but after listening to it several times, it got stuck in my head. I kind of get the Beatles influence they were talking about, too (although that's totally wrong, because the Beatles influence everyone, they broke boundries in music and if you're going to be influenced by the Beatles you should be making unusual music, but I'll stop ranting).
The songs you grow to like/never stick at first and what not.
To be honest, it's not as good as, say, Build God Then We'll Talk.
But anyway.
If you go to the band's official website, the source code says "We're So Starving" (the name of the new song), and if you hover your mouse over some of the pieces it plays bits of the song. But you can listen a longer version on Panic!'s MySpace (provided with the first link).


Dyllan said...

panic! is back!...somewhat.

Anonymous said...

I still feel cheated by them D: rotfl.

---- said...

Gah. Panic! Just hand it over already! D: