Yesterday I was ice skating with friends, which was very scary for me. I guess I've still got some trauma or whatever from when I broke my leg with skiing last March. I had a cast from my enkles till up my ass O_O It was beautifull red tho. Red like blood. LOL! Well I'll tell you about that SHORT trip. We went with school to Austria (I live in the Netherlands) And it was a 10 hour drive. We went driving in the night so we could ski when we arrived. I'm very bad with sleeping in cars & busses so I didn't get lots of sleep. When we arrived around 7am, we went unpacking in our rooms and then we got our ski's.
In the first 15 minutes, I went down and couldnt stop. So I crashed against this pole or w/e and smacked my head to this fence. I looked pretty darn awefull with blood all over my face (i didnt feel my head hurting, all that i felt was my leg.) My hand was as thick as 3 times my normal hand. (I didn't feel that either, but when I saw it I was like: I need to put it in the snow so it doesn't swell more!) I had help very quick but I couldn't see anything anymore, everything was black but I forbid myself to pass out. So I saw black for 5 minutes, then the heli (YES A FUCKING HELI) came and they gave me morphine. They dragged me into the heli :]
I still didn't pass out so I could see the mountains from above and all XD very cool.
I arrived in the hospital and there was a very cute doctor LOL! but anyrays they talked in german O_O so I asked them to please talk in english, which they could pretty good, luckily XD cuz I'm very bad with german :p anyrays I needed surgery quick so that happened. I needed 3 screws, which are still in my leg (it's just above the knee)
When later my friends came to visit I was crying and laughing at the same time(I was high from the morphine) and yeah I had to stay in the hospital for almost a week (my friends went home the next day already so my mum came over to help me with everything and keep my from boredness. She even went to the mcdonalds to get something better than that papertasting macaroni, rofl! When on my ray to the plane to bring me home (cuz I had a cast till my ass i couldnt bend my knee) my friend called me with the news MCR was playing. IN MY COUNTRY
She even said she was gonna buy me a ticket for my bday, how sweet (she doesnt even really like them) So that made my whole month or even year xD I hoped I could walk normal by then again.
At home I first got a wheelchair, then crutches and a physiotherapist for my leg
So I lost my crutches the day before the concert (lucky!) she said I couldnt run, and needed to bring a crutch. I was like; fuck that, obviously i ran to the front without a crutch XD Stupid I know, but I didnt care about my leg then haha:p
I wasnt really planning on typing this whole story, but there it is xD I alrays talk LOADS about nothing really interesting :p
OH and My phone is lost/stolen since saturday so I have to pay for a new one
Also I THOUGHT my calculator (of 100 euro's) was stolen so I needed to buy a second hand one for 45 euro's. but I was hoping for a miracle (it was already gone for 2 months) and TODAY! the mother of my friend said my friend had it.. her brother went upstairs and there it was. my calculator with my fucking name on it! my friend is such a disaster. LOL you can't even see her floor cuz its filled with clean/dirty clothes and food and everything O_O so my calculator was hidden somewhere underneath there too. LOOL!
Oh here's a pic of me in the hospital, Notice how small my other leg is O_O LOL, I didnt move/eat for days D=
my friend had nails in his leg too o_o
at least you got to go to the concert! and congrats on finding your calculator :]]
D: about your leg.
I'm glad you're so cheerful though. and lol about your calculator. your friend's room reminds me of my own, minus the foods.... <___< o___o
LOLOL well i got to miss school for a few weekshaha\
I guess im a cheerfull person
Im really positive most of the time
altho i can be depressed and moody xD
bwhaha well my room is a mess to but my clean clothes arent on the floor, cuz yeh thats gross
theres no food here either but yeah XD
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