I had an examweek before the holidays so i got most of my testresults back
no good O_O We work with marks from 1-10 Ive got: A 3 for math, a 5 for dutch, a 5,2 for Latin, a 4,4 for Science & for MY CHEMistry ive got a 5,8. Ive also got a 9,3 for Chemistry 8) I happen to like chemistry, and not only because it has 'Chem' in it bwhaha.
Anyrays another good mark was for my english, an 8,5 =] Thanks to the boards (blog!) and msning with all you english peeps! :D so thank you for my good English =D *gives cupcakes* I also had a question for the teacher about somehting and i dissed him. and he doesnt know the answer to it. so he was like. just skip it! it's time anyrays. But i want to know the answer! I'm gonna make him crazy with me asking about it. He whined last month on how i never asked anything >.<
and now he's like: I dont know either, go to the next question O_O
I mean.. is he a teacher or whaaaat?
Ohhh and i had to babysit today. The girl is pretty cute, her name is Femke
and she just turned 3. Shes better with skiing then me (remember i broke my leg in 15 minutes XD)
bwhaha anyrays she wanted to watch 'Rolie Polie Olie'
It was torotally annoying O_O well the themesong was
and after every 7 minutes there was a new episode, with the themesong D=
And she loves it xD
I want it to be Saturdaay!
Im gonna shopp with a friend who i havent seen in ageees, so im excited! Also, at night im going to the bar with pwnfull music, and see the guy i like again =D squeeeee!
Well I'm off to watch some anime now, I found a new one to entertain me, since I've Finished Myself;Yourself yesterday. It was really cute, but also very sad, especially the last few episodes, where you could see what was bothering the characters. I've downloaded all episodes from He is my master now, and ive seen one of them already, its not very spectacular, but i give it a shot, cuz it could turn out quite interesting!
I'm just a girl in the world, That's all that you'll let me be...
- No doubt - Just A Girl :]
1 comment:
aww cute little girl!
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