Friday, January 4, 2008


*makes post pretty color :]*

So today after school I went to film club with my friend, Valentina, after going to the photography room so she could get a camera for her project. Anyway, in film club we were supposed to watch "The Big Lebowski." I don't know how it was, because the DVD was screwed up, because the film club guy got the disc from a friend who burned a pirated copy she had on her computer. What did happen, however, was we'd hear a deep "booom, booom" and then, a couple seconds later, an extremely loud, extremely high-pitched sound that made everyone cry out in pain. It was kind of like feedback from mics, just much worse. So then later we left. But the film club guy thanked us from bringing candy to his table on club day again, lmao. (club day is this thing in September where after school all the clubs set up a table and bribe people with candy to join.) We decided that he'd remember that for the rest of his life, and started imitating him as an old dude talking to us about it. We got weird looks. :]

Anyway, I got home and went on LJ and there was a post about the best mcr things in 2007, and on the list was this Bob and GWay thing where they took over the station, and it was hilarious, and I couldn't get over how much it sounded like me and Valentina xDD And then that just made it funnier and I started crying xDDD And then I told another friend about it on IM and kept repeating myself over and over and OVER, until I realized that that was probably somewhat annoying. Sorry, Brie. xD

so ya. that was my day. there's probably other stuff but I forget. and thanks for the compliments of my drawing on my other post :]

~Roz :D

1 comment:

Tine said...

LOL I didnt really understand anything from your post O_O but then again its almost 4am here and im tired.
anyrays it sounds like you had fun
BWHAHAH you sound a bit like me
hyper; and talking everything over and over again xD