I love reading all your funny little post's Hahaha Urie's Buttocks.
Made my night. :P
He's really skinny and tiny but he's got a Beyonce/J-Lo rear!
Really pale too.
I cannot wait for their new album.
SO I've been listening to Meg and Dia! SOooo COool.
yeah. I saw National Treasure!
And it was pretty good I cried 3 times.
But I cry in every single movie : / I'm a crier what can I say?
Sooo I'm having some boy problems as well.
I kinda like my one of my best friends.(3 guys 1 girl)
I dunno if he does but like sometimes I get some vibes.
I dunno. I'm really self-conscience so... I think Why would he like me when he could like some one soooo much better.
Gahhhh. PS. Am I the only one who hugs herself or the person nearest by when they think of Little Mikey Growing up?? Like his grown upness from "Scene Kid" To "The mucho Manly Mikey" ??? >_<
You know from this
To this
"Awww! Little Mikey's Grown up!!!!" *teary eyed*
Teehee, Mikey still looks as if he's about 16 ^_^
Yes, Yes he does.
Geez. They all look soooo young.
awww Mikey!!
*hugs whoever near me*
aww! *wants to hug somebody*
*looks around*
(nobody there! D:)
*hugs self*
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