You can't decide to write songs about love, and flowers, and bunny rabbits, and then be all mysterious! It don't work that way!
Also, what is Ryan smoking? Because I'd really like to know. Someone should probably inform him that cowboys don't actually do weed.
How can that mean anything other that the 1st of Janurary, 2008??
I hardly ever use emoticons in blogs/open letters to celebrities, but I believe this calls for one: D:
So, in conclusion, please give us the damn video already, and Brendon, Ryan - stop reading slash (come on, we all know you do) and make sure the album is out on time!
Look at our little circus freaks! All grown up and trying to look like men! Aw. I wonder what Ryan's saying to's probably about cookies, judging by Brendon's face.
PS: You guys should feel really special that I'm writing an open letter to you in technically my first Rmy blog post. Oh, and say hai to Pete from me!
PPS: I saw a funny picture of your friend Gabe Saporta yesterday. A girl was biting his hat. I LOL'd.
LOL Miri.
I dont really listen much to PATD, but when their vid's up, you have to give it to mee!
You made me all curious with your letter!
So. please do =D
Miri, that is the funniest photo I've seen in a long time.
Heheheh, I could've made the caption MUCH dirtier, but I decided not to xD.
And I shall post the video when it comes out ^_^. It better come out soon *shakes fist at P!ATD*
Bahahaha. Go Team Miri. You're awesome.
Maybe if we kick Brendon in the shins a few times, they'll post the new video?
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