Tuesday, January 1, 2008

My first day in 2008.

Hello there, Im Tine, Aka PansyxWay from the Rmy :]
Im sorry for my sometimes incorrect grammer, English isn't my main-language =o
First of all i'd like to thank Miri for getting this blog up xD
and second, I'd like to introduce you to my first made blog, EVER =D

It all happened at the party at my friend Stephanie's bf's house xD
It was my first time I celebrated the new year without my family so i was psyched! Soon after we arrived, Stephanie came yelling at me, that she needed to tell me something.
She kissed this boy, (who wasn't her boyfriend) and that boy is also the guy I like (well actually i liked 3 then, now 4 )
Anyrays, i knew he was a player, so i didnt mind. I DID mind that she was cheating on her bf tho, but yeh she felt very shitty about it, she still does obviously, she gets her life fucked up just like me, with no intention to be a slut :p (she was pretty drunk tho)
Well we went on partying like nothing happened. At some point me and that guy we're outside.. and we went into his house. (which was like on the other side of the street)
We started kissing and you know... I'm still a virgin tho (is proud to be a virgin). Im not THAT stupid, not even when im drunk. :]
But yes. I was very stupid, I didnt really mind at that point tho, I knew exactly that he was just a player and decided not to care much about it. So far goes my dignity as a recentlynotsluttygirl >.< Oh well, we went back to the party. Soon after he went to sleep, I started to talk to this other guy, which I would be sleeping with on the couch (all the beds were taken.. we were the doomed ones)
As we flirted a bit and layed on the couch, I started to like him too.
I didnt want to kiss him cuz I would feel even more like a slut, Idk what he knows about me and that other guy tho xD
Gah. My mind is just very complicated about boys. Curently there are 4 guys I like. O_O I dont know what to do anymore. LOL I felt pretty shitty today too, cuz yes I've only slept for like 1,5 hours, was a bit drunk, and felt like a slut, for going that far with that guy.

When I came home from visiting my family today, my mum was like: Oh! yes there was a package from the MCRstore! *hands over package*
And there it was, the package that made my day :] filled with the white MCRtee with the flower, lots of buttons, the journal, stickers, pencils and pens. I've waited long for it, but it came on the right day.

Thank you MCR,
for making another one of my days feel like an AWESOME day :]


xMillyx said...


I love you!! :D

Tine said...

Ahh Milly, I love you too ^__^

Anonymous said...

Awww Tine, ily. :D
i think you should go for it with this guy;
sounds like he likes you back, A LOT. :DD
i reckon you should go for it girrl!
From Hazz.

Anonymous said...

^ ahaha, sorry my comment was confusing. x__x
basically, i meant the first guy - the one that you kissed.. because it sounds like you both definitely really like each other.. and from this blog it seems like you like him more than the other 3?
Well, whichever one you like the best, you should make a real effort to get to know him and stufff, and decide if he's a nice person or not. [:
depends on which one you like the besttt. then i think you should just go for ittt, m'love ^__^
i'ma go talk to you on myspace noww.
From Haz, <3