Tuesday, January 1, 2008


Sinéad here aka xSaintSorrowsx.
Well, I dunno really what to say.
So this is quite pointless.

Hope everyone had an awesome new year but personally,Im hoping 2008 will suck alot less that 2007.I had some really really awesome times in 2007 (eeh...the 2 My Chem shows I went to....) but also some pretty shitty times which Im not gonna bother go into details of.

Im pretty sure every time zone is 2008 by now so emm..
yeah,Happy new year and bring on 2008 xD

Sinéad xoxo


Tine said...

Oh yes, happy new year to you too!
-forgot to write that in her blog-
I just posted before you, about how shitty/cool my year started.
My mind is very confused, so idk if i even liked it, or disliked it.
how was your night/day?

Dyllan said...

happy new years!
i hope this year isnt as bad as last, cause that would just suckk.
