Thursday, January 3, 2008

So I'm babysitting an old man today.

Basically. Hes almost 50 years old. Very eccentric. His two au pairs are out of town this week and he needs someone to help him do EVERYTHING. Including yoga. I dont know how I feel about yoga but I dont mind the cooking/cleaning/paperwork bit. Hes pretty well off and lives in a gigantor house and even almost sort of told me I could live with him if I needed to (my moms moving to another state and leaving me to either live with friends or live in Winchester where I go to school...). I found that sort of creepy but I hope he wont like hit on me or anything while I'm sorting his bills. Nice guy though really, I've met him. Haha

Did I mention $10/hour?

God I hope he doesnt turn out to be a pedophile. :o


Tine said...

ohhh cool XD
I hope he's not a pedophile eitherXD
but $10 is like pretty much right? :D

Stargirl said...

It went well. I "worked" with him today too. Made $80 bucks. lol Such a boring job though. He talks too much...I think he has adult A.D.D. because he cant focus on a damn thing...