Wednesday, January 2, 2008

Leighs turn to add!!

"We're more than a street team, though - we're a family. We're also kind of insane (but awesome)."

This made me laugh. Truer words could not be spoken about the awesome ladies n gents in the MCRmy. Anyways, for some reason I'm thrilled to be apart of this blog. I dont know why, I know we didnt start it for any purpose but as always a goal for the MCRmy, I hope it brings about some therapy for the people writing in it maybe. Or I hope that some jerk who hates MCR comes along and reads some of our blogging and says to him/herself "Hey these kids sound just like me! Maybe MCR isnt so bad after all." But I digress...

My names Leigh!! On blogger my name is Stargirl simply because I use my own blog on here aside from Myspace to get a little more personal and I dont necessarily want anyone to know who I am. You know how that goes... You guys can click on my name on the side though and go read my real blog if you like. Its pretty crazy...Oh yeah, on MCRmy I'm (lamest handle ever-) 'iamokay' in case anyone wanted to know. I'm in my second year of college even though I'm technically a junior now because of my credits (hooray?). I'm just trying to figure out how to spend my life doing something that makes me happy. I might be going on Warped tour this summer (to work) but I cant exactly tell you all the details right now. Dont worry, as soon as I find something out, I'll be telling the WORLD!

I'm also *thinking about* starting a small t-shirt company this summer with my best friend (Give_em_hell_Sarah on MCRmy). Its funny though because it started out as a joke (like a lot of things do) and then we both kind of looked at each other like "Wait, we should actually do this." Her mom kind of laughed at us when she said something about it. Last night I jokingly set my Facebook status to say something about how I was starting this business and that my friends all better buy t-shirts. In a matter of minutes I got a few comments from friends who actually took me seriously. Its nice to have all that support even though this all started out as a joke. So I've been doing my research and I think its highly possible to start my own little business. I've always been an artist and I love little projects like this - even if they turn out super huge and make me lots of money. So if I really do get this going I'll be looking to the MCRmy to help me with ideas and designs and of course, buying a shirt or two or whatever we end up making.

As a final note, I hate Panic! at the Disco and I hope I'm not alone in this. Just putting that out there. And I slept in til 2:00 PM today. I've NEVER done that. I dont know what happened but I guess its lunch time and I should go find something to eat. Haha :)


Tine said...

Ohh i'd like to see what shirts you're gonna sell :D
And i don't hate panic, but i dont listen too them xD

Anonymous said...

How did you get your job at Warped??

Anonymous said...

Tine - Thanks! I'll keep everyone posted. Dont worry :D

Ana - Um I'm probably going to tour with a small band. When I find out official plans I'll let everyone know :)