Friday, February 22, 2008

Do you know what I mean?

So I was sitting at my loverrrly piano (which I actually hate because it never stays in tune and sounds awful, but I'm getting a white grand piano and electric guitar soon, so I'm dealing with it), playing the Simpsons theme song (ftw), when all of a sudden I hear, coming from the television, those beautiful chords that make up the start of Panic(!) At the Disco's song, Nine in the Afternoon.
I hadn't actually seen it yet, because the only internet I have at the moment is on my Sidekick (which is named Patkick, because Patrick Stump is Pete Wentz's "sidekick" and I am clever).

So I run to the TV.

Um, WOW.
I kinda like it! I needa watch it a few more times though..

The bit where Brendon's in his pyjamas singing reminds me of the Paris Hilton sex tape (well, at least from what I've seen on the "get it on your mobile!" ads..) crossed with ADD, Lmfao.

And Ryan is sooooooo pretty ._.
I was like "Whoa, Ryan, you really out-gayed yourself this time! /swoon."
I said to my sister "Ohmahgosh, Ryan looks like a sweet wittle bebe!" and she rolled her eyes and walked off :D.

I might've liked the video to be a bit calmer though ._.
Also it interupted the best bit in the Simpsons theme, bastards.
That's what the world needs: more tea parties. And possibly MCR albums.

What did you think of it? ^_^.

I need more Dresden Dolls-ish music :c.
Apparantly there's a compilation CD called "A Dark Cabaret" or something, containing Coin-Operated Boy and other songs by different artists. Must. Have. Now.

That is all, really!

PS: So far this year I have written 32 songs. Who's proud of me? I'm proud of me!

PPS: Nobody's eyes/ears but mine will ever see them, Mwahahahahahaaarr!

PPPS: I'm taking a break from the Rmy because of the intruders :c. It all put me in a sour mood. So that might be why you haven't seen me around lately.

PPPPS: Go to me and my friend's blog. We're awesome, kthx.
PPPPPS: Post-Scripts FTW, foo'!


Tine said...

Can your ears seeeee? Woow dude! thats amazing XD
I didnt know coin operated boy was from dresden dolls XD (ive never listened to them actually)
But i was like: I KNOW COIN OPERATED BOY O_O.. i've listened to it from Porcelain and the Tramps
They're amazing :D
I've got a Kerrang! (got it from HAZ! ^__^)
were Ryan drew a self-portret XD and with a poster from brendon.
baka's! why not a poster from Ryan O__O
ROFL. im not a really big fan from panic tho xD

squeee patkick.
Ive got a fake bat and he;s called Fabat Henry. ROFL! random names FTW :]

Anonymous said...

Nine in the afternoon is growing on me...I used to like despise it!!

But I loved me some Pan!c.

BUB is still reigning.

Anonymous said...

I'm pretty sure the video isn't helping my fangirl crush on Ryan :C.
I NEED HELP! -death-

And the Dresden Dolls are amaaazing.
When they play Coin-Operated Boy live, instead of the line "I can even take him in the bath", Amanda sometimes sings "I can even fuck him in the ass", ROFL.