Thursday, February 14, 2008

*Insert Nifty Title Here*

Happy Valentine's Day, I hope you all had a nice one, mine was rather boring. Though I did receive another card in the mail from an Rmy member today, so that was nice. =]

I actually have a busy weekend coming up, which is quite exciting for me because 90% of my weekends consist of sitting at home all day in front of the computer. Tomorrow I'm going to the mall and meeting a few Rmy members for the first time ever, which is awesome. And on Saturday I'm going to be seeing Linkin Park. :D Then I'll be going on a mini-vacation on Sunday and Monday.

Has anyone taken this "freak test" before? It takes an insanely long time to do but it's rather amusing. Apparently I'm 33% freak.

And then of course there's the Impossible Quiz:

I've only managed to get to number 43 or so on that one.


Anonymous said...

Hahah, I got 55% on the freak test D:
And for most of the ones I didn't check, I made a mental note to do them in the future >_>

Tine said...

ROFL! i got to question 105 once.. there are 110 questions O_X
the last 10 questions are soooo hard O_X but it is really addicting XD
i ner did the freaktest tho, when i have the time, ill take it because lots of people say i am a freak XD